Monday, May 16, 2011

Happy Buddha Purnima 2011

Buddha Purnima SMS Messages, Happy Buddha Purnima SMS Messages 2011

Every year all Buddhist celebrates BuddhaPurnima very happily and sends Buddha Purnima SMS Messages to each other. Here you will find Buddha Purnima SMS Messages which you can send to your friends.
Buddha Purnima SMS Messages, Happy Buddha Purnima SMS Messages 2011

Buddha Purnima SMS Messages, Happy Buddha Purnima SMS Messages 2011

Buddha Purnima SMS Messages : 1
Between birth and death there is nothing else to happen but love.
If you miss love between birth and death,
you have missed the whole opportunity of life.
You may gather knowledge and money and prestige and power,
but if have missed love then you have missed the real door.

Buddha Purnima SMS Messages : 2
May the teachings of Lord Buddha guide you always..
Have a blessed Buddha Purnima….
Buddham Sharnam Gacchami…..

Buddha Purnima SMS Messages : 3
Buddham Sharanam Gachami
Om Mani Padme Hum
May Lord Buddha enlighten you on the path of love,
peace and truth.
Happy Buddha Purnima 2011

Buddha Purnima SMS Messages : 4
We live in illusion and the appearance of things.
There is a reality. We are that reality.
When you understand this, you see that you are nothing, and being nothing, you are everything.
That is all.
Happy Buddha Purnima 2011