Thursday, May 5, 2011

ICET Hall tickets 2011 downloads

ICET Hall tickets 2011 downloads

ICET Hall tickets distribution started download available only from 10 may 2011...
The Integrated Common Entrance Test-ICET for the year 2011 for admission into M.B.A. and M.C.A. courses offered by the various Universities in the State of Andhra Pradesh for the academic year 2011-2012 to be conducted by Andhra University.
The ICET test is designed to measure the candidate’s ability to think systematically, to use the verbal and mathematical skills and to assess his aptitude for admission into MBA/MCA programme. This is an objective type test and the questions are of multiple choice.
ICET Hall tickets distribution at Regional Test Centers is begin. Download from web available only from 10 may 2011. Candidates hall tickets can download online through official website of ICET 2011

Download ICET 2011 hall tickets(from 10-05-2011) or get more info in: